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Ziemann Holvrieka
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This extreme beer takes the average double IPA for a walk up the high gravity beer ladder, so we’re calling it a triple. Use the techniques discussed to produce a flavoursome, hoppy beer with a winter-warming kick.

Nuts & bolts
Batch size: 19 litres
Method: All-grain, BIAB
Estimated OG: 1.087 (this will be the reading after the boil but before adding sugars into the fermenter)
Estimated FG: 1.010 – 1.015

Mash ingredients
6.5kg pale malt
700g crystal malt (60-lovibond)

Mash your grains in 28 litres of brewing water at a strike temperature of 70°C for a mash temperature of 65°C. Hold for 90 minutes, then mash out at 76°C for 10 minutes.

Boil ingredients 
30g Fuggles [4.5%] @ 60 min 
28g Centennial [10 % AA] @ 60 min
15g Amarillo [8.5 % AA] @ 60 min
28g Cascade [5.5 % AA] @ 40 min
28g Amarillo [8.5% AA] @ 20 min
400g Lyle’s Golden Syrup @ 20 min
1 tsp of Irish moss @ 10 min 
½ tsp of yeast nutrient @ 10 min
10g Centennial [10% AA] @ 5 min
30g Cascade [5.5% AA] in the whirlpool