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Rice beer

Ziemann Holvrieka
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Upon request, Munya kindly shared a recipe he himself has tried and enjoyed.

This is a modified version of a rice beer from YouTuber DrHans Brewery. I tried it last year and it worked well the first time. It was crisp and is easy to modify to suit any homebrew needs.

I halved his recipe to make a 10L batch:

Base malts

1kg Pilsen Malt

0.5 kg Munich Malt

Adjunct grain:

2 cups Thai glutinous rice

(or any white rice you can find).

It needs to be cooked fully to add to mash.

Specialty Malts:

100g Cara Ambra

50g Acidulated Malt



Magnum 7.5g @60min, Tettnang 15g @50min;

and Tettnang 8g + Saaz 6g @5min



Safale S-33


Mash & Boil

2 step sparge

60 min boil

I primed the beer to carbonate to 2.4vol Co2. (I only bottle

condition with my system.)


Gravities & ABV

O.G: 1.044

F.G: 1.006

ABV: ~5%