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Despite brewing having historic roots as a female-led occupation, women have struggled to gain a foothold in the industry in recent generations. But a new wave of women is helping to turn the tide internationally. They are brewers, industry figureheads, and beacons for professionals and consumers alike. They show just how much females in the sector have to offer in terms of skill, creativity and accomplishment. Laura Hadland caught up with some of the most exciting and inspirational women-led beer projects across the globe to find out more about where they have come from and where they are going.


My career began while studying for my Bachelor’s in Food Chemistry. I had to choose between malting, brewing or some other very boring topic. I had always fancied learning about beer production so I began a homebrewing project with a colleague for a year. I got a job as an assistant brewer in Mexico and from there started my own nano breweries. From La Silla, to Nebulosa Brew Co and now Cerveceria Nevado. I also released a beer brand in December 2020 named Macaria Brew Co.