I highly recommend bottle conditioning this and letting it age a little. I conditioned the entire batch for four months in a cupboard in my study
Nuts & Bolts
Batch size: 18 litres
Method: All-grain (my version was brewed on the Grainfather)
Estimated OG: 1.070
Estimated FG: 1.010
Target ABV: 8%
Mash ingredients
4.5kg pilsner malt
Mash at 65°C for 60 minutes then raise to 75°C for 10 minutes.
Boil ingredients
45g Saaz @ 50 min
28g Styrian Goldings @ 15 min
500g clear candi sugar @ 10 min
300g table sugar @ 10 min
Ferment ingredients
White Labs (WLP570)
Ferment at 20°C. Patience is the secret here – it takes forever to ferment out. And I mean forever – like three weeks plus.
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