LATEST EDITION Ziemann HolvriekaAEBFermentisInstek ControlAdvertise Here I believe I might have mentioned in all of my previous letters to you, the beer lover, what a privilege it is to be part of the beer industry in South Africa. With tourism being close to my heart, Beer Tourism being something in relative infancy, but rapidly growing, we have tried to place ...
Almost 2,000 kilometres directly west of the Namibian-Angolan border is an island called Saint Helena. As a British Overseas Territory, the roughly 4,400 individuals who inhabit the island are British citizens, however, it was the Portuguese who first set foot on its tropical shores at the very outset of the 16th Century... ...
Once all brewers aspired to create crystal-clear beers, free of haze or sediment. Wheat beers and Lambics aside, clarity was a sign of quality. A cloudy beer was considered contaminated, poorly brewed or kept, or simply a mistake... ...
LATEST EDITION Ziemann HolvriekaAEBFermentisInstek ControlAdvertise Here I did not start out with a clear theme in mind for this issue, but very quickly, one appeared in front of me. I actually think the idea is best captured by something Barb Baker (aka the “Siren of Stout”) said during our interview: “Wherever you go, you belong.” It is a belief that ...
Not only are South Africans brewing abroad – as Lucy Corne captures in her feature – but they are also judging at renowned beer festivals and competitions, from the US to Europe... ...
Barb Baker’s passion for craft beer is palpable, but it’s a passion that is also backed by a wealth of knowledge, hard work, and a desire to welcome others into the fold... ...
LATEST EDITION Ziemann HolvriekaAEBFermentisInstek ControlAdvertise Here To be involved in the South African beer industry is a privilege, to say the very least. With that in mind, the front cover is devoted to some of the good guys in the industry, who help grow not only for themselves, but the appreciation of craft beer and the artisanal nature of the ...
Every so often you come across a craft beer that has no story attached to it. When the... ...
Every so often you come across a craft beer that has no story attached to it. When the... ...
Every so often you come across a craft beer that has no story attached to it. When the... ...
Hello!! My name is Jeanine
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!